Uncover the facts about hydroponic Grow System

In recent years, more urbanites have realized the importance of growing plants in their house. After all, nothing is as soothing as the fresh look and feel of green plants. Lack of outdoor spaces has promoted people to op for indoor gardening. While there are many techniques of indoor gardening, hydroponics has become really popular due to being affordable, easy-to-install and maintain. Moreover, it eliminates the hassles of pest control that comes with a hydroponic grow system. Plus, with hydroponic grow system the yield can be amazingly high. In this write-up, we have shared some interesting facts about hydroponic farming.

1) Requires a soil-like medium
In traditional farming system, soil anchors the plant roots and provides nutrients to the plant. Similarly, in a hydroponic grow system, instead of soil, you can use rockwool, coco, or similar mediums to anchor the plants roots. These days, Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) has also become very popular. In this system, the plants sit within the water, and the fertilized water runs over their roots to provide nutrition continuously.

2) Two types of hydroponics
The hydroponic grow system are of two types: Solution culture and Medium culture. In solution culture, the roots can float freely in the liquid and such nutrients from it. However, in a medium culture, sand, perlite, mineral wool can be used to anchor the plant’s root. Both these systems can be used for indoor gardening, even in areas that do not receive sunlight. 

 3)  All you need for hydroponic farming
A hydroponic system can be cultivated in in planter boxes. Alternatively, you can create a quality grow closet. While a grow system cannot be moved to another room, the hydroponic grow boxes can be moved easily. The hydroponic system should focus on creating the provision for optimum temperature, light, and ventilation. Therefore, if required you should buy a heater, exhaust fans and bulbs for your grow room.

Conclusion- With the above-mentioned ideas in hand, you can grow anything you want, whether it’s flower, vegetables, herbs or fruits. And, in case you require any equipment for your grow room, consider shopping online from Tottenham grow shop.


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