The Do's and Don'ts of Hydroponic Pest Control

Indoor gardening is perhaps the most amazing thing you can do – a perfect way to spend some time in the lap of nature, creating and appreciating the beauty that plants have as well as the planting an opportunity to grow something beautiful. But most of all indoor gardening is all about passion and a way to spend some more time with oneself. 

But, like all good things come to an end, there are high number of chances that your beautiful indoor garden may come to an end – if not taken care of. So, all you do now is understand how to take care of it and keep any pests away. 

Here are the do’s and the don’ts of hydroponic pest control – read them carefully. 

The Do’s 
  • Use pesticides correctly and safely. Consult a pest control company for recommendations on relatively low-risk pesticides to use. Pesticides should be applied in a targeted manner and not sprayed all over. Fogging should only be done when absolutely necessary.

  • Take proper precautions when hiring outside help for pest control. One important point to take a note of for hydroponic pest control is to use the right set of precautions. Whether you’re doing it yourself or taking outside help read the instructions carefully before you add pesticides. Remember while the right amount will lead to the best results, wrong results will spoil your indoor garden. 

  • Properly dispose of leftover pesticides and pesticide containers. The label should include instructions regarding this. See as well if your community has household hazardous waste collections and if they’ll take your pesticides. While this may not directly affect the garden, but it is definitely not safe to keep open pesticides in the room. 

The Don’ts 
  • Don’t use chemicals meant for the outdoors. These remain toxic longer and can be dangerous when used indoors.
  • Don’t use twice for better results. Follow instructions carefully. Using too much pesticide can be dangerous as well.
  • Don’t store pesticides in a different container. They should remain in their original containers to avoid accidents. Don’t use an empty pesticide container for storage of anything else either.

Some of you might as well think that you’re already aware of these do and don’t tips, but the point of mentioning them again for you in the form of one write-up is because there are high chances that most of you will forget these when needed the most. So, with this handy list of do’s and don’ts you can now be ready to for pest control for your indoor garden. 

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