Difference between Hydroponics and Pot Culture – The Things to Know
One of the very first things that any grower who is new to the entire concept of indoor gardening always needs to decide is whether to go with pot culture or to go with a hydroponic set up and then choosing if they’ll be able to choose the right hydroponic pots or the suitable pots for the otherwise pot culture. Now, if you’re wondering what is this all about and where is all the difference, then here’s some information in the write-up that will work wonders for you. Pot culture involves growing plants in normal plant-pots and involves manual hand-watering. This type of growing lends itself better to water-retentive mediums such as soil, coco or something like a soilless medium. There are some other substrates such as clay pebbles that dry out very quickly which would mean that the grower would need to hand-water their plants several times a day, which is simply not practical for the average person to fit into their lifestyle. While pot culture could be a choice for lot of peopl...